Hey Newgrounds, ClockCrew, LockLegion, SocomSquad, or anyone else who might be visiting this page for some reason. Whatsup? I thought I'd pop in to say hi, and that I'm not dead, I just am spending a bit less time on the computer to do things in my life, get my life back on track, ect. To anyone who i have made sad recently, I'm sorry, I haven't been able to do much of what I'd like to do for some of you guys (Im looking at you, Socom Squad) and for that I'm sorry. So as you can tell this is sort of an apology section of this, but enough of that, lets get down to some stuff.
Clockday is coming up as you know it, you might hear some people murmuring about it. The official Clockday 07 preloader HAS been released, but is for now restricted to official clocks only. Its pretty hot, made by Unknown Clock (StalinClock) and Roman Clock. It is quite beautiful and below you can see it.
Speaking of Clockday, let me remind you it is quite the opportunity to build your ranks on Newgrounds for those of you interested in that kind of thing. The opportunity for Protection points is pretty darn high, seeing as nearly every single flash involving the ClockCrew gets in, despite some of them not needing to be let in. But as the spirit of clockday, they are generally accepted, and are kept in the bowels of Newgrounds to remind everyone of the day. It is quite fun, last year was a blast for me and it actually got me into animation.
So, thus ends my longest post in a while, I haven't really typed this much in a long time, especially on the Newgrounds site, but I thought it would be necessary to do so. So, start posting what you think, maybe ask some questions or something.
hey to you to.
clock day yay!
Yes, its a time to cheer and celebrate, mmyes?