Hello, and welcome back! This is Screwdriver_Clock, posting back with a bump of the past events. The past month or so has been interested to say the least, and should prove to be fun for everyone!
Starting off, I SWITCHED BACK TO LINUX. AGAIN. However this time, the system is cooperating, probably due to the fact I've studied up on the OS before playing with it again. I currently run Flash 8, Skype, WoW, and pretty much any other Windows App that I like, and theres a load of fantastic open source apps in the Linux repositories. For anyone curious about it, I would recommend you give it a try. They have live cd's which let you try the OS without making any changes to your computer, and they also work great for recovery disks to retrieve lost data.
After waiting nearly an entire summer, I finally got to see one of my best friends! However unfortunatly my buddy AlmondLock AKA RugerClock AKA GermanSoldierLock AKA Brad couldn't be there, so the day at SixFlags was... eh it was still pretty ballin. They replaced Mr Six with some asian guy who goes "SIX FLAGS! MORE FLAGS MORE FUN!", who we saw scream that around 50 times while waiting in line for the Dark Knight Ride
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Oh and Clockday is just four days away! I for one haven't really got much going, but maybe JUST maybe I can get a teaser out for this game I'm working on. Roman and Unknown Clock have created a great preloader which should be available for download for the NG masses shortly. I can't wait to see all the submissions, and the save points will be good for you stat fanatics out there! Tom is giving a gracious price, and I hope to win a chunk of it.
Nothing much more to say here, I have said about all i can. Until next time, PEACE!