
Age 32, Female

Time telling device

United States

Joined on 11/10/06

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ScrewdriverClock's News

Posted by ScrewdriverClock - December 3rd, 2007

Hey everyone, its that time of year again! The winter season is upon us, and the weather shows it! Unless of course you live in the southern hemisphere or in some tropical region in which case; screw you you prick (jk :D). Anyway, as I was saying, the winter season is here, its cold, its windy, and the season of giving and receiving has come. The economy is getting a temporary boom, and this year is pretty interesting. The Nintendo Wii is named the most sought out item of the holiday season again this year, which doesn't come too big of a surprise to me, as I'm still looking for one as well. With the Chinese toys incident in America, I'm interested to see how the sales of many toys (namely from companies like Hasbro which ship overseas in that area) are going to do this year. Either way I'm pretty sure this year is going to be interesting.

Like I said, this is the Month of Giving, so why not give to Newgrounds and make an animation? Go off to Adobe's website, grab a trial of Flash and make something to celebrate the holiday. It doesn't need to be the best, but put some effort in, learn something and most importantly, have fun! There is a winter preloader if I'm not mistaken in the downloads page of Newgrounds, so that shouldn't be a problem, and there is a fantastic audio portal filled with a variety of music to use. Come on Newgrounds, you can do it!

Great job to the staff at Newgrounds on the fantastic new theme for the winter. I for one like the blue on black a bit more than the orange, and think it would be cool as an alternate theme for throughout the year honestly. I really like the ice sculpture drawings of Dad and Me the most, they are pretty awesome.

More importantly people... This is a time to spend with family. Spend some time with yours, tell them you love them, and get along as best as you can. Sure, they may not be perfect, but they are the only one you have and you should respect them as much as you can.

Well Gee, this was a pretty long post for me, not used to this. Well, this about wraps things up I guess. Until Next time, ScrewdriverClock, out!


Posted by ScrewdriverClock - October 22nd, 2007

Oooh boy, when you think your luck can't get any better, your windows decides to have 42 fatal errors, and crash on you. So now here I am on Ubuntu 7.10. Its a nice ol OS, and I have enjoyed every minute so far. However, it hurts knowing that without some tweaking that FLASH IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH UBUNTU. Yeah, so for the moment my flash turbines are dead, not that anyone could care. I mean, all they have seen from me is one or two decent flashes and some spam, right? Yeah. Shame that movie project for halloween is DELAYED!

*ahem* All of that aside, Ubuntu 7.10 is a BEAUTIFUL OS. For those of you who don't know, it is a Linux based OS, its free, and the distribution methods are pretty simple. Installing is a breeze, even easier than with Windows. Just pop in the disk, have it run at boot and boom your going down the path to some fun. Once you get in... eh, it gets a bit weird. Instead of the easy .exe installing, you get package files, which you have to manually install, unless you use the apps it has to manage them. You will find plenty of nice programs on it though, which satisfy me quite nicely (Gimp, zSNES, Worms, etc.) Its worth a look, anyway, if you get their Live CD off their site, you can try it out without having to save it to your hard drive, which is always a great alternative.

Until next time, ScrewdriverClock, out!

Oooh Drat.

Posted by ScrewdriverClock - October 22nd, 2007


Posted by ScrewdriverClock - October 11th, 2007

I updated the header and icon and stuff so it matches some sort of theme. press f5 to see it if you cant already. In fact, press f5 anyway to be safe.

New update.

Posted by ScrewdriverClock - September 29th, 2007

I haven't abandoned you yet, chums!

Posted by ScrewdriverClock - September 14th, 2007

Finally got that name change. Real useful. Wade, you are one swell person for doing that so fast. I was expecting it to take a few days, but Only took about an hour. Thanks again, now my name won't cause more confusion.

Posted by ScrewdriverClock - August 26th, 2007

HEY ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! TIME FOR ANTI CLOCKDAY, WHERE YOU 5 ALL THE MOVIES THAT BASH THE CLOCKS! SWELL, EH? Well I submitted a fantastical collab flash with my other clock buddies, and I think you will love it too!


But wait, it seems we have someone who does not understand the idea of the Anti Clock Day! This Rock-StarClock doesn't like the flash, he thinks I spell bad! You don't think I spell bad. You guys are swell. However this person doesn't seem to know the true meaning of Anti Clockday. Hence why he is now the laughing stock of the world! Lets all laugh at his expense! Hahahahhahahahah! Silly wannabe clock, you no get Clock Crew!!!

Thats all for now. Before I leave out, here is the swell lil guy's review. Keep making great flash Rock-StarClock! ...owait.

Anti Clockday MOVIE FLASH GO!

Posted by ScrewdriverClock - July 25th, 2007

Hey Newgrounds, ClockCrew, LockLegion, SocomSquad, or anyone else who might be visiting this page for some reason. Whatsup? I thought I'd pop in to say hi, and that I'm not dead, I just am spending a bit less time on the computer to do things in my life, get my life back on track, ect. To anyone who i have made sad recently, I'm sorry, I haven't been able to do much of what I'd like to do for some of you guys (Im looking at you, Socom Squad) and for that I'm sorry. So as you can tell this is sort of an apology section of this, but enough of that, lets get down to some stuff.

Clockday is coming up as you know it, you might hear some people murmuring about it. The official Clockday 07 preloader HAS been released, but is for now restricted to official clocks only. Its pretty hot, made by Unknown Clock (StalinClock) and Roman Clock. It is quite beautiful and below you can see it.

Speaking of Clockday, let me remind you it is quite the opportunity to build your ranks on Newgrounds for those of you interested in that kind of thing. The opportunity for Protection points is pretty darn high, seeing as nearly every single flash involving the ClockCrew gets in, despite some of them not needing to be let in. But as the spirit of clockday, they are generally accepted, and are kept in the bowels of Newgrounds to remind everyone of the day. It is quite fun, last year was a blast for me and it actually got me into animation.

So, thus ends my longest post in a while, I haven't really typed this much in a long time, especially on the Newgrounds site, but I thought it would be necessary to do so. So, start posting what you think, maybe ask some questions or something.


Posted by ScrewdriverClock - July 18th, 2007

Ya heard that right buddy. I'm the best there is, yes siree, and there is no changing that. Clock Day is a short times away, so get flashing kiddies!